Galiner is a global cigar accessories company focused on provide high quality cigar accessories available to everyone who love cigars.

Our heritage of being a provider of cigar accessories goes back to our founding in 2008.



Today, we are passionate champions for cigar aficionado around the world with a platform unmatched in the industry.



We have our own factory, provide more than 1500 products include cigar humidor, cigar case, cigar ashtray, etc.

Our products with high quality and competitive price.

We now offer products in worldwide. And depending on the market, our products are distributed through retail channels,by every country’s cigar accessories stores.  

We have a strong track record of producing cigar accessories, particularly cigar humidor, cigar case and cigar lighters.

All of our products with stringent quality standards, regardless of which product.

Our most valuable asset is our global workforce, each member of which is a passionate supporter of our cause to deliver good cigar accessories for cigar aficionado. 





